Quality, Safety and Environment: the 3 pillars fundamentals of a responsible company.
CTMI always have been driven by Innovation and have proven history for confidentiality. The company has long and strong relationship with European producer for Quartz, Carbon,
Glass Fibers: we are preferred partner for their R&D
CTMI holds patents on 3D weaving construction.
We are currently part of several collaborative projects: IRT St Ex, Technocampus Ocean, Onera, CEA, CRITT, Isae Sup Aero,…
We made several demonstrators for customers.
CTMI is well organized for prototype, sampling and small run.
As part of our activities and our development missions, we implement a policy of continuous improvement.
Our teams are committed to the quality process of the company.
Our quality management system ensures optimal management of our activities in order to better secure the projects of our clients.
CTMI is certified ISO 9001 by VERITAS for all its production and development activities.
Security is a point on which we are particularly vigilant and involved.
Internally, our teams follow an optimized annual training plan in order to be up to date with the latest standards and to renew our approvals (electrical licenses, use of logistics devices.
All our documents and certificates remain accessible to our customers who wish.
We work with the will of a systematic eco-responsible approach.
We have minimized the use of solvents in our processes: for example in impregnation, we use the HOTMELT system which makes it possible to get rid of the usual solvents.
We do not have a hydroelectric power station elsewhere that provides us with 45% of our electricity needs, thus significantly reducing our carbon footprint.